Klub Netradičních Sportů a Turistiky


Open International Championship of Poland 2010
Tři Studně (Horník) 6. - 7.03.2010

Race info

The Polish Association of Sleddog Sports hereby notifies that International Championship of Poland will take place on 6-7.03.2010 in Tri Studne /Czech Republic.
The Polish Sleddog Sports Association invites mushers to the Open and Junior International Championship of Poland 2010 . In order to be able to enter the International Championship of Poland , you must either be a licensed member of one of the Polish clubs with a valid license or be a foreigner not belonging to any Polish clubs, but having a membership, through a club and national association, in one of the following international organizations: ESDRA, WSA, and IFSS or ECF.

Classes and distances:
D - 5-6 km
C - 8,9km
B - 12km
A - 13km
Skj- 13km

Date of race confirmation: 02.03.2010
*** Jirka Trnka confirmed this race ***
Trails are prepared by snowmobile. Places in the forest with weak snow cover will be repaired with technical snow. Weather forecast is optimistic.
I believe, that the trails will be great as always :)

Entry fee: 850 CZK (32 eur)

Judge Team
Race Marshall: Helena Levickova CZ
Race Judge: Martin Levicek CZ
Race Judge: Anna Wodzińska PL
Animal Welfare Judge: Anna Rodo PL

Veterinary conditions:
Valid vaccination in pet passport!
(In passport have to be "Valid until" - this date is major for validity - not 1 year after vaccination) Competitors without valid vaccination against rabies will not to be allowed to race!

Friday 05.03.2010
Presentation: 18.00 - 22.00 in hotel Hornik (only exceptionally Saturday 8.00 - 9.00)

Saturday 06.03.2010
Veterinary check: 9.00 - 11.00 in stake-out area
Musher meeting and handout of bibs: 10.00
First start: 11.00

Sunday 07.03.2010
First start: 10.00
Awarding ceremony: 15.00

The race is according to Rules of PASS based on IFSS regulations.
Mandatory equipment:
a second snow hook for the 8 dog class
an adequate braking pad - for all Nome style classes
Skj - panic snap or open hook and.. It is prohibited to have any form of metal hook or ring at the drivers end of the line.

Hotel Horník, Tři Studně near Nové Město na Moravě

Accomodation - Hotel Horník +420 566 619 234

Please enter by
e-mail: trnka.askino@seznam.cz and ENTRY

List of competitors: NameCountryDID


1. Tomáš HubnerCZ01018100085
2. Martin LevíčekCZ00010100877
3. Sergey Panyukhin
4. Pavel Zvolský
5. Maciej TomaszewskiPL206/05Nunataki
6. Braňo SpišákSK
7. Krzysztof JaneckiPL
8. Dariusz JuszczykPL067/05Extreme
9. Martin LevíčekCZ00010


1. Jirka Trnka st.CZ00015100874
2. Jirka Trnka ml.CZ01085100875
3. Anna BajerPL033/05Biały Kieł
4. Maciej WodzińskiPL072/05Grey
5. Marcin ŚwierżewskiPL129/05 Husky Fan


1. Dominik KotwasińskiPL080/05Wataha
2. Manuela PetutschingA
3. Krzysztof JaneckiPL
4. Mikołaj WłodarczykPL175/05Durango-Rimo
5. Zdeněk KůrkaCZ
6. Štěpán KrkoškaCZ


1. Jolanta SołekPL230/05Durango-Rimo
2. Marzena SiewiorekPL231/05Durango-Rimo
3. Beata PatrzałekPL220/05Cze-Mi
4. Aleksandra RolewskaPL262/06Amberdog
5. Maciej SzlachetkoPL263/06Amberdog


1. Agnieszka RychwalskaPL034/05Biały Kieł
2. Łukasz MichalskiPL471/09Sfora
3. Adrian MichalskiPL469/09Sfora
4. Petr Krupička CZ00009100881
5. Barbora LevíčkováCZ00754100878
6. Aleksandra Panyukhina
7. Slavomír Pavlík
8. Jaroslav Bánoci SK
9. Joanna WodzinskaPL401/08Grey
10. Peter MarcinSKSK0145
11. PIOTR SUBIELPL194/05Amarok
12. Michal ŚwiderskiPL
13. Michael ChovanecCZ


1. Arnold PetutschingA
2. Łukasz PaczyńskiPL


1. Jolanta SołekPL230/05Durango-Rimo
2. Waldemar StawowczykPL086/05Wataha
3. Agnieszka BłachPL232/05Durango-Rimo


1. Grzegorz HachołPL274/06Cze-Mi
2. Anna BajerPL033/05Biały Kieł
3. Lenka VetešníkováCZ
4. Marlena BłachPL447/09Grey
5. Peter MarcinSKSK0145


1. Alicja KubiczekPL399/08Travois
2. Mariusz KostrzewaPL390/07Wataha
3. Christof RotterA
4. Samuel MataninSKSK Arching
5. Mateusz JuszczykPL068/05Extreme
6. Igor PribulaSKSK Arching


1. Jakub SŁOWIK PL440/09Durango-Rimo
2. Dana Dudinská SK
3. Jaroslav Bánoci SK
4. Roman RadłowskiPL053/05Cze-Mi
5. Mirosław WaśkowskiPL398/08Cze-Mi
6. Mikołaj WaśkowskiPL310/06Cze-Mi


1. Mariusz KostrzewaPL390/07Wataha
2. Tomáš StejskalCZ00003100216
3. Bojan BogowitzSLO
4. Pavel PorubskýCZ
5. Luboslav SramekSK
6. Jiří SuchýCZ
7. Ing. Jiljí KRKOŠKACZ
8. Ivan VaškoSKSK Arching
9. Marcel Matanin KonečnýSKSK Arching
10. Jan ŁacekPL027/05Biały Kieł


1. Agnieszka JareckaPL056/05Amberdog
2. Agnieszka RychwalskaPL034/05Biały Kieł
3. Anna RodoPLBiały Kieł
4. Monika StejskalováCZ00886100221
5. Martina ŠtěpánkováCZ01139100042
6. Jana PorubskáCZ



1. Mates PorubskýCZ(Skj)
2. Adéla PavlíkováCZ
3. Mates PorubskýCZ(D0)
4. Petra PavlíkováCZ
5. Veronika HubnerováCZ

Hela Levíčková, aktualizace: 4.3.2010, 00.30 hod, ENTRY

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